三個小女生的宿舍 會員登入


位置--> 筆記本菲菲工作守則

 2005-04-08 Page:1/1

Daily (Mon. ~ Sun.)
Make breakfast/lunch/dinner(煮三餐)
Mop floors (掃地.拖地)
Clean kitchen (清洗廚房):
(a). kitchen unit and desk (流理台)
(b). sink (水槽)
(c). floor (地板)
(d) clean dishes and pots (擦洗碗盤.鍋子)
(e) clean hot plate (擦瓦斯爐)
Iron and do laundry (燙/洗衣服)
Keep living room and bedroom clean and tidy (維持房間,客廳整潔)
Clean bathrooms (整理浴室) 桶.地板.洗臉台… (水洗)
Wipe the table, sofa and cabinet (擦桌子,沙發,櫃子)
Take care of baby (照顧小孩)
Take a bath for the baby幫小孩洗澡
Disinfect baby’s milk bottles (消毒奶瓶)
Dumping the garbage (倒垃圾)
Clean up the dog’s dro_ppings and feed the dog twice a day (清狗尿尿及餵狗吃飯)
Fill up the drinking water 1/2/3/4/6F(補水)
Cleaning kitchen (清洗廚房):
(a). gas stove(瓦斯爐)
(b). exhaust fan(抽油煙機)
(c). cabinets(櫥櫃)
(d). clean wall (擦牆壁)
Clean bathrooms (整理浴室)洗臉台.浴缸.淋浴區.磁磚)
Clean flat roof space for drying clothes (清洗曬衣場):
(a). wipe off cobweb and dust (蜘蛛絲,灰塵)
(b). wash wipers and mop (洗抹布,拖把)
(c). clean windows (窗戶)
(d). clean sink (洗手台)
(e). mop the floor (地板)
Change and wash bedding(更換清洗床組):
(a). baby’s bedroom (嬰兒房) -- (every week)
(b). other bedrooms (其他臥室)-- (every 4 weeks)
wash comb and hair brush for the 1F (every week)
Clean kettles (清洗水壺)
Clean tea tray (茶杯盤)
Clean refrigerator that includes inside and outside (冰箱)
Clean microwave (微波爐)
Clean dish dryer (烘碗機)
Attention (工作注意事項) :
1. 主人交辦事項都要做 You have to complete all assignments from the employers.
2. 假日回奶奶家或鶯歌家中要做家事
You have to do the housekeeping when you go to grandmother’s home or yingge’s home
3. 每天六點半起床 Get up at six thirty every morning.
4. 晚飯後收拾完畢即可休息但仍需照顧小孩
You can take a rest after washing dishes in the evening, but you still have to take care of baby if needed.
Washing clothes (洗衣服) 
1.襯衫領口,袖口刷過 Brush the neckline and cuff of shirts before washing.
2.會退色的衣物另洗 (不清楚的先詢問雇主)
Separate the clothes that will receding color. (if not sure, ask the employers.)
When you wash your own clothes, they must be separated from the employer’s and family’s clothes.
4.先生衣服、襯衫及太太部分的衣服,裙子需整燙. (雇主會另外告知)
Master’s shirts/clothes and Mrs.’ skirts/clothes should be ironed. (employers will inform you)
The baby’s clothes and stuffs should be washed separately from adults.
Cooking meals (三餐)
1.切菜板,刀子分生,熟食Chopping knifes and boards must be separated by the raw and cooked foods.
Before feeding the baby and cooking foods, you have to wash your hands with hand-cleanser.
3.葉菜類需仔細清洗乾淨(有無蟲子) Vegetables must be clean carefully.(have bug)
4.水果殘渣及剩菜另用塑膠袋包起來 Leftovers need to packed by plastic bags before dumping.
Housekeeping (居家整理)
There are different cleaners and cloths for different purposes.
Disinfect the cloth in kitchen every week, and keep it dry every time after you used it.
The windows must be opened for air refreshing in the daytime.
All the doors, windows and gas must be locked, and you have to check it before you go to bed.
You have to finish the dishing, rice put in the refrigerator and dumping garbage before your bedtime.
The thorough cleaning must be done before the Chinese lunar year eve.
ex: Clean windows/screen and kitchen wall (every time only one room) (洗窗戶.紗窗 廚房)

Attention food management First buys first boils If has expired, rots food, first informs the employer to discard again.
Pays great attention to cleanly, disinfection On the restroom, pours trash, or takes food to the child in front of, must with antibacterial wash the hands the breast, cleans the hand, egresses must change clothes.
3.注重隱私,不可私自拆閱僱主信件, 除了放衣服及棉被外,不可私自打開抽屜,入房前要敲門。
The attention privacy, may not secretly opening and so on the D letter. Besides puts clothes and the
cotton-wadded quilt cabinet, cannot secretly turn on the drawer. Cannot secretly enter bedrooms。
Cannot let the child alone (sleep in any room is an exception), even if made the family work
still to have to let the child in the oneself line of sight scope.
Cannot secretly use hires thing of the host family, or voluntarily takes takes.
If has the demand please to inquire to the employer
Cannot the use center telephone, if has the demand please to inquire to the employer
In family goods if have the damage, must inform the employer, not sedulously conceals
To the child looked the television or eats the dessert, the candy, must first seek
information employer's agreement
When the child has appears the dangerous behavior, must immediately stop,
and to afterwards informs the employer
If the one who steals anything is thief, you will be sent to the police.
To do anything with responsibility, kindness, and good manners