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認識包皮 2006-07-26
轉載~~男孩要這樣養育 2006-07-26
轉載~~孩子懂規矩,才會守規矩 2006-07-26
94年5月bb名單 2006-07-28
該不該割包皮? 2006-12-08
孩子入幼兒園前的調適 2007-12-07
如何培養孩子的良好性格 2007-12-07
兩歲幼兒易受光碟內容影響 2007-12-07
未滿三歲的幼兒不宜吃巧克力 2007-12-07
爸媽愛吃花生 小孩易對花生過敏 2008-01-05
玩遊戲學數學 2008-03-23

BabyHome 討論:轉載~~孩子懂規矩,才會守規矩 2006-06-30
BabyHome 討論:轉載分享~兒童發展階段與管教重點(0-18歲) 2006-06-30
BabyHome 討論:怎樣培養寶寶的耐性 2006-07-02
BabyHome 討論:好文章分享-不給我,就生氣!有理講不清的番寶寶 2006-07-03
94年5月份寶寶討論區話題 2006-07-28
嬰兒配方奶粉比較表 2006-08-05
BabyHome 討論:分享1-2歲的智能提升訓練課程(在家也可以這樣作) 2006-08-06
BabyHome 討論:*轉貼*搶先提升語言智能 讓寶寶聰明加分 2006-08-19
BabyHome 討論:轉載分享~兒童發展階段與管教重點(0-18歲) 2006-08-19
分享】預防接種(各種疫苗的預防病症.疫苗成份與副作用) 2006-08-31
BabyHome 討論:分享~教注音的網站. 2006-09-01
BabyHome 討論:轉貼--耐心+技巧 正確引導寶寶說話 2006-09-04
BabyHome 討論:0-3歲幼兒的遊戲特質---玩遍天下無敵手 2006-11-04
BabyHome 討論:用對話、遊戲刺激寶寶的語言發展 (分享)歡迎打包我的筆記本好多 2006-11-16
BabyHome 討論:0∼6歲健康長高完全手冊 2006-11-16
BabyHome 討論:『轉貼』寶寶出生後第5∼24個月生長發育情況(文非常長哦!) 2006-12-04
兒童「語言發展遲緩」的界定與教育 2006-12-05
中醫理論---如何照顧小寶貝 2006-12-19
For baby, the more languages, the better 2007-01-05
At first, baby's brain is an empty slate. "The newborn can differentiate all the sounds of all languages," says Kuhl. But what if the infant hears two languages, at home or in programs like this one? It turns out the baby responds to both, but each one goes into a different part of the brain. "The baby brain is mapping two different sets of circuitry," says Kuhl. "One is for the first language, one for the second language." And the studies show that the ability to switch from one brain section to another allows some babies actually to perform better at certain tasks — mental dexterity brought on by a bilingual world. But by the time they're 6 months old, most babies respond only to the sounds they hear repeatedly from parents and others — usually just one language.